Development of Obshagin, a dormitory search service
The project Obshagin is a service for searching for hostels in the city of Moscow. A site has been developed for the project, on the main page of which there is a map with hostels and a search interface.
The service supports searching by the nearest metro station, by price, as well as in the radius indicated on the map.
Search results can be displayed on the map or displayed as a list.
Each hostel has its own page. The design of the service is made in the best traditions of such services, it is not original at all - and that is convenient and good. The user can view the hostel information in a familiar way, photos, prices and available amenities.
For the service, a control panel has been developed with its own design, with which you can add and edit hostels.
The interface elements are well developed, even for such a modest service as this.
At the technical offer stage, the mechanism of the search area on the map was also thought out. It can be expanded by pulling the special slider, and also move it beyond the center of the circle.
The service is also optimized for mobile devices.