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Featured works:

Interface Audit for Moe Delo accounting cloud service
NK Consultant mobile app
This application is a great reference guide designed for non-destructive testing specialists, mainly professional welders.
The application provides access to the database of documentation of various standards, and also allows you to make calculations.
A feature of the application is fully autonomous work without the Internet.
Smart Home mobile app
Odin Doma supplies smart sockets, colored light bulbs and RGB tapes that are controlled via the Internet. We have developed an application to monitor such a "smart home".
The application supports various devices, is released for iOS and Android.
The device control panel received an original, ergonomic design, designed specifically for “Home Alone”.

NK Consultant mobile application development

Smart Home mobile application development

Holy Places of Undivided Christianity website development

Development of a corporate website for the National Union of Grain Producers

Development of Obshagin, a dormitory search service

Logo creation for the Libertarian Party of Russia

Cubic Robotics Smart Home mobile application development
Sculptor Foundation website
Sculptor Foundation unites more than 50 best masters of sculpture from Moscow and St. Petersburg. The most notable work done by Sculptor is sculptures reconstruction of Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow.
A classic-style website is created for the foundation, comes with an elegant typography and layout.
All pages tend to be asymmetric and are designed in a way to look like an old book. One of the best work.
Solixant corporate website
Solixant, also known as Solix Biosystem Vostok, develops and cultivates microalgaes and their products. Solixant is an innovative leader in Russia within its field.
A modern and interactive website is developed for Solixant.
Main page presents an interactive animation — look through microscope. Microalgae parts floating in liquid reacts to mouse movements and change their trajectories.

Sculptor Foundation corporate website development

Solix Biosystems Vostok corporate website development
Dom Kino: Second Screen
Second Screen is a virtual application for your TV.
Suppose, you’re watching Back to the Future. As Dr. Emmet Brown appears on the screen, Second Screen shows Christopher Lloyd’s biography and photos. Next you hear a music, and the application says it’s Alan Silvestri. The movie is nearly over, and the app asks you for a quiz.
The app, control panel and promo website have been developed for Channel One, Russia.

Dom Kino: Second Screen application development

Promo website for Dom Kino: Second Screen

Control Panel development for Dom Kino: Second Screen
Ludi Mira
Ludi Mira, or People of the World is a startup for travellers, a video library dedicated to travelling, living, making business and getting education in many different countries around the world.
A website, control panel, promo page and logo created for the service.

People of the World multimedia startup development

Orwell’s 1984 poster design

Anxiety Disorder poster design

Moscow Central Veterinary Clinic website development

New Horizons corporate website development

Gents' Stuff online store development

Bonduelle Recipe Book mobile application development

Highlight Event Agency promo website design

FjM website corporate website development, version 2
Murmur Messenger
Murmur is an ephemeral mobile messenger created for sending messages those self-destruct after reading. The project is an alternative to Snapchat.
The feature of Murmur is an original design. The app has its own mascot — a cat with the third eye — and the stylish and authentic interface.
Murmur website
A stylish promo website is developed for Murmur as well.
The design of the website is as crazy as the app’s design. There’re some new characters on the site, like striptease nymphs and rastaman’s airship.

Murmur mobile messenger development

Murmur promo website design
Heliport Moscow website
Heliport Moscow is the largest helicopter pad in Europe, recently opened near Moscow. The pad is able to host more than 200 aviation units.
A brand-new corporate website has been developed for Heliport with modern and glance design.

Heliport Moscow corporate website development
Three works for Pantocrator Studio
Pantocrator is a Russian film studio known by its movies Eight First Dates and Fort Ross.
A corporate website with movies showreel, opening short video and the new logotype have been developed for Pantocrator.
Company’s style is based on a religious symbol — Pantocrator’s gesture.

Pantocrator Film Studio corporate website development

Designing a new logotype for Pantocrator

Pantocrator short opening video creation
Russian Ball in London website
Russian Ball is the main cultural event of 2013 in Russia. Ball is given for 400th anniversary of Romanov Tsar Dynasty.
An incredibly sophisticated corporate and promo website has been developed for Russian Ball. Every page is designed unique, many decorative elements are created and best paintings are chosen for the website.
The logo of Russian Ball
A coat-of-arms logotype has been designed for Russian Ball.
The form of the logo represents the form of a violin. Inside the shield — RB monogram and The City of London coat of arms.
A few version of the logotype have been created, the coloured one is painted with Russian Empire colours.

Russian Ball in London corporate website development

Russian Ball in London logotype design

Savvy Architecture Bureau website creation
City Courier delivery startup
City Courier is a startup of courier service in Moscow.
All couriers working for City Courier are visible on the map of Moscow, so clients can see where their items are travelling right now.
City Courier have been developed by Love Media from scratch. A web and mobile interfaces created for the service, as well as courier’s mobile application and administrator’s control panel.

City Courier delivery service, version 2

Agni Events promo website development

BSPF Business School corporate website design

BSPF coat of arms logotype design

Inesse M online store development

Item.ru professional photographs website creation

Russian Shooting Union corporate website development