Anxiety Disorder poster

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The poster Anxiety Disorder is dedicated to the most common mental disorder of the 21st century - anxiety. Anxiety affects about 15% of the UK population and God knows what percentage of the population of Russia. The poster is made on the basis of a quote from the book "The Age of Anxiety" by American journalist Scott Stossel.

The poster is made in Russian and English versions. There are two versions in the tif format: for printing on sheet A1 and A4.

The poster can be used for free for any non-commercial purposes: hanging in an apartment, office, psychiatrist's office, distributing leaflets and printing in the media, indicating the designer's name and source of citation.

Commercial distribution of the poster, its copies and reproductions is possible only with written permission. In doing so, remember that the poster cites the book, and therefore may be encumbered by third-party copyright. The poster author only transfers the rights to visual design of the poster itself.

August 2016

See also:

Orwell's 1984 poster design

Poster design for FGM solicitors and lawyers

A poster design for Love Media